Thursday, January 7, 2021

Book Tour with Guest Post and Review: Dream It & do it by Holly Sharp

Join us for this tour from Jan 6 to Jan 22, 2021!

Book Details:

Book Title:  Dream it & Do It by Holly Sharp
CategoryChildren's Non-Fiction (Ages 3-7),  216 pages
Genre:  Children's Non-Fiction
PublisherDream It & Do It LLC
Release date:   Nov 2020
Content Rating:  G for everyone.

Book Description:

Dream It & Do It introduces children to a wide range of career possibilities at a young age. Readers will explore 100 stories featuring 100 role models, each one showcasing a different career choice. Dream It & Do It was recently awarded a coveted Readers’ Favorite 5-Star Review from the largest fully-accredited book review platform, 1st place for short stories (Royal Dragonfly Book Award) and a Gold Mom’s Choice Award.

“Dream It & Do It by Holly Sharp is a perfect book for young kids who want to find their place in this world and what they’d like to be when they are older.” (Readers’ Favorite).

Readers will continued to be inspired through the coordinating Activity Book wherein 100+ activities teach your child about today’s career paths. Book can be purchased as a full collection or in 3 individual volumes. Find the paperback version on and hardcover on

Buy the Book ~ Dream It and Do It

My Review: 

Let me start off by saying how much I like how this book is set up. It has segments with titles like Artistic Writers, Helpers: Medical, Lemonade Stand (business), and many others. Each segment has several stories or chapters, I am not sure what to call them. They range from Dream of Writing Poems like Dr. Suess or Dream of Helping Improve Sight like Dr. Andrew Bastawrous to Dream of Creating Electric Robots like Hannah Herbst or Dream of Creating Futuristic Machines like Elon Musk. Each one is just two pages but packed with information. Each story tells you about the person and their fields, as well as some challenges they faced while working on achieving their dreams. 

I find this book to be well written and suitable for anyone of any age. Whatever you dream of doing, you will surely find inspiration while reading of these remarkable people and their journies. There are many well know individuals included in the book, as well as a lot that I hadn't heard of before, though I have seen, used, or benefited in some ways from the results of their efforts.  

I would definitely recommend this book to anyone that enjoys learning about people who have done extraordinary things, finding inspiration in others, or wants their children to be inspired to pursue their dreams. 

Holly A. Sharp, three-time award winning author of Dream It & Do It shares her perspective on how to help kids with distance learning using books.

I know that Covid-19 has been hard on parents, especially as they are trying to balance life, working and educating their elementary aged children at home.

One thing I learned in my research on this topic is that kids need short breaks. According to a 2016 study out of Carnegie Melon, small, but frequent breaks actually make it easier for elementary school kids to focus on the task at hand. 

In talking to parents in this situation, I have found that short stories are an excellent way to allow kids to take a break from screen time or to have something to do if they are a “fast finisher”. Dream It & Do it is a collection of 100 short stories about modern day role models. Each story features a different career path. These stories make for a great “reading recess” as each story is only 2 pages.

There are a lot of ways that parents can use this book. If kids are using the short stories during the day as a way to take quick breaks or when they finish before other students, use the book as a discussion starter over dinner. Who did they learn about today? What did they like about the job they learned about? Could they ever see themselves doing this job?

Another way to use the book is as a supplement to what kids are currently learning in school. Discuss what topics they are learning and read stories together at bedtime that relates back to the subjects that kids are studying. Help them to see how the subjects they are learning about today, lead to the real world careers that people are doing today 

A third way to use the book is to generate activities for kids to do after (or during) school. Each story ends with a suggested activity that kids can do to learn more about that specific career.

Each book covers careers in the arts, sciences, technology, service, business and product development. There is certain to be one job that might start inspire your child to not just have a dream, but to go out and do it.

Meet the Author: 

Sharp spent the bulk of her career in new product development—dreaming up intuitive ideas from how to kill bugs to new ice cream forms to hit grocery shelves. A self-proclaimed problem-solver, she loves to think about the things that the world needs and figuring out how to make those things come to life. “Knowing in high school what I wanted to do with my life set me up for the right path. I wanted the same for my child and searched for books to guide her, but came up short,” Sharp said. “That’s when I thought, ‘why not write the book for my child that she needs and that will also help others?”

connect with the author: website ~ facebook ~ instagram

Tour Schedule:
Jan 6 – Cover Lover Book Review – book review / giveaway
Jan 6 - Splashes of Joy – book review / guest post / giveaway
Jan 7 – My Tangled Skeins Book Reviews – book review / guest post
Jan 7 - Chit Chat With Charity – book review / author interview / giveaway
Jan 8 – Rockin' Book Reviews – book review / guest post / giveaway
Jan 8 - Locks, Hooks and Books – book review / giveaway
Jan 11 – Authors.Ace – book review
Jan 12 – A Mama's Corner of the World – book review / giveaway
Jan 13 – The Momma Spot – book review / giveaway
Jan 13 - Adventures of a Travelers Wife – book review / author interview / giveaway
Jan 14 – Ice Fairy's Treasure Chest – book review / giveaway
Jan 14 - The Phantom Paragrapher – book spotlight
Jan 15 – Writer with Wanderlust – book review / guest post / giveaway
Jan 18 – Books, Tea, Healthy Me – book review / author interview / giveaway
Jan 19 – Books and Zebras @jypsylynn – book review
Jan 19 - The Bespectacled Mother – book review
Jan 20 – Lisa's Reading – book review / giveaway
Jan 20 - Stephanie Jane – book spotlight - giveaway
Jan 21 – Because I said so -- and other adventures in Parenting – book review / guest post / giveaway
Jan 21 - Reading Authors Network - book review / giveaway
Jan 22 – One Frugal Girl – book review / giveaway

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